These are hosted on my public Dropbox folder so all you have to do to download your sounds is right click on each of them and use Save link as... option. If for some reason the download links don't work, leave a comment or drop an email.
Sound effects list:
- Censor beep - the classic beep used to censor swearing or whatever you want censor in your audio
- Ding! - the Bingo! sound
- Swoosh sound effects - used for fast transitions between scenes, flying objects, fast zoom-out, etc.
- Helicopter sound - the sound made by the helicopter rotors
- Cash register sound - Ca Ching! you know that sound
- Night sound with crickets
- Camera shutter - classic photo camera sound
- Wolf whistle - yeah, I tend to do that when I see hot women, don't you?
- Buzzer - industrial alarm type of buzzer
So, if you wanna help, you can leave comments with links to your own favorite effects. Or, if you already have them on your computer, you can send them to me and I'll host them on Dropbox for everyone to download.
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